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Upemba on spotlight in breakout session at BCC 2023

"A New Dawn - the Story of a Rising Forgotten Park: the Case of Upemba" was the theme of the breakout session hosted by Forgotten Parks Foundation at this years Business of Conservation Conference (BCC 2023) organized by the African Leadership School of Wildlife and Conservation.

Forgotten Parks' participation aimed at making a business case for the conservation of Upemba, which involved mobilizing more actors to support and contribute to wildlife economy created in and around the UNP. It also involved assessing lessons learned and tools on how to effectively value nature and biodiversity (data, technologies) as well as offering robust nature-based investment opportunities to potential investors. 

The breakout session, a solution room, was an opportunity to explore what has been done and extrapolate on what’s left to be done in consideration of global trends and the geographical context of Upemba.

The Business of Conservation Conference (BCC) is an inspiring, powerful convening of top leaders from all sectors to protect Africa’s unique biodiversity as one of its competitive advantages. Coupled with the right mindset, innovative ideas and sustainable models, it has the potential to become a pillar of Africa’s economic development. The BCC was held in Kigali between the 29 and 31st of August of 2023.

FPF was represented by Ms. Christine Lain (Director and UNP Site Manager) and Mr. Mickael Batakunda (Head of Development and Community Conservation Department, UNP). Being part of the discussion further amplified the story of the UNP and empowered the restoration process undertaken by hundreds of men and women at the park with the support of strategic partners.

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