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Taking stock of what we have

Biomonitoring patrols constituted one of the main activities for the period covered in this publication. The new Head of the Biomonitoring Department, Dr. Ruffin Mpanga, led his team on a major patrol from September 14 to 16, 2023. The main objectives were to quantify the spatial indicators of biodiversity to measure impact of our intervention, to identify the conditions of species deemed of high priority for conservation such as zebras, and put in place a mechanism of ornithological monitoring.

The patrol led to interesting observations resulting in a specific classification of vertebrates spotted on the Lusinga plateau. They were classified in terms of branch affiliations, classes, order, family, species, common name, and status of conservation. The classification involved vertebrates such as Equus Quagga (boehmi), Tragelaphus scriptus, Philantomba monticola, Potamochoerus Larvatus, Phacochoerus africanus, and Lupulella adusta.

In terms of flora, certain species were recorded such as Lysimachia arvensis, Inula salicina, Tanacetum vulgare, Helichrysum italicum, Hibiscus syriacus, and Fagonia laevis. Additionally, the team took the opportunity to dismantle snares placed by poachers, and incinerate two antelops and free one that was trapped. The report of the mission represents a clear indication of the gradual recovery of the fauna and flora of the park. As part of the team led by Dr. Mpanga, there were Ms. Esther Changwa, Mr. Julien Mbulanga, and Mr. Manuel Weber.

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Lusinga, Haut-Katanga

Democratic Republic of Congo


+243 834 251 035


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