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FP joins AP’s Incubation Program for Upemba

Purposing to optimize operations at the Upemba National Park (UNP), Forgotten Parks Foundation (FPF) joined the African Parks (AP) incubation program after signing a partnership agreement on November 7, 2023, in Johannesburg, South Africa. This agreement constitutes a sure step towards the restoration of this protected area of ​​great importance for the Congo basin. It also signals a new direction in conservation in greater Katanga and the DRC with the introduction of a management approach tested in several African countries.

In view of the challenges that the PNU has faced for years, the adoption of a proven conservation and management model remains essential to not only protect the biodiversity of Katanga, but also maintain the eco-systemic services that offer UNP in a predominantly mining environment. Based on rigorous criteria and a selection process, the Incubation program identifies other organizations which, through coaching and technical support, are encouraged to reproduce the delegated management model introduced by AP. For Upemba, this collaboration will provide support in the harmonization of collaborative accords with the governmental partner, the optimization of operational procedures, the introduction of a new governance discipline and best practices, the carrying out of operational audits, and mentoring to build capacity and expertise.

The UNP is a natural heritage in the process of restoration. It is home to the last 200 pure savannah elephants of Katanga and the DRC, the only population of zebras in the wild in the DRC, and it has been confirmed as a fish biodiversity hotspot in Africa with 20% of ichthyofauna diversity of the Congo Basin.

The park is thriving thanks to the partnerships and attention currently being given to it. Forgotten Parks is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the management of national parks and protected areas in partnership with governments and local communities and to empower people to protect wild fauna and flora. Since 2017, FP has assumed the management of the UNP under a public-private partnership (PPP) with the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) – Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation. 

African Parks is also a non-profit conservation organization that takes responsibility for the rehabilitation and long-term management of national parks in partnership with governments and local communities. African Parks manages 22 national parks and protected areas in 12 countries.

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Lusinga, Haut-Katanga

Democratic Republic of Congo


+243 834 251 035


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